Be Well Virginia: Standing PROUD in Healthcare

Northern Virginia Family Practice is excited to share the next “Be Well Virginia” Town Hall virtual meeting entitled, “Standing PROUD in Healthcare”. On June 24th, Dr. Cecily Havert and Dr. Natasha Beauvais welcomed Dr. Adam Sasso (current Major in the U.S. Army and Family Medicine Doctor) and Bethany Wolf-Stuth (former Combat Medic in the U.S. Army and current NVFP patient) to share their insights on meeting the health care needs within the LGBTQ community.

2:17: Dr. Beauvais discusses the benefits of online meetings with patients and other doctors, as well as the new and easy way of administering coronavirus testing.

14:48: Dr. Sasso shares his opinion about being honest with healthcare professionals and the lack of access of people to healthcare.

25:50: Dr. Sasso shares his opinion about how homophobia affects the access of the LGBT community to healthcare services.

34:49: Bethany shares her experience where she felt an “internal peace,” as her parents accepted her as part of the LGBT community.

48:30: Dr. Sasso acknowledges the presence and empathizes with those who are still hiding in the closet, as they struggle with their gender identity while others live in a more accepting community.

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Be Well, Virginia Town Hall: Standing PROUD in Healthcare with Dr. Adam Sasso and Bethany Wolf-Stuth