Be Well Virginia: COVID-19 Vaccine Part 1

NVFP is offering a special event “BE WELL Virginia” Virtual Town Hall on Thursday, January 7th, 2021. Much hope rests on this vaccine being one of the keys to ending the pandemic, and the providers at NVFP plan to field your inquiries about its development, its distribution, its safety, and the science behind its effectiveness. We will be welcoming the microbiology expertise of Dr. Mike Havert, a virologist familiar with the basic science that developed the vaccine.

8:02: Dr. Mike Havert shares a video from the American Society of Gene + Cell Therapy on the mRNA vaccine which is the Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 vaccines and how they work in preventing the COVID-19 virus.

17:15: Dr. Beauvais explains that by not receiving the COVID-19 vaccine there is a 1% chance of death and a 10% chance of long-term side effects of the coronavirus.

18:54: Dr. Zweig goes into detail about what life looks like after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

21:33: Dr. Mike Havert explains that after one week of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine you are likely producing immunity to the coronavirus and this will continue to progress as time goes on and after receiving the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

36:50: Dr. Cecily Havert of Northern Virginia Family Practice encourages the public that when they have the opportunity to get the COVID-19 vaccine, to take it.

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Be Well Virginia: COVID-19 Vaccine Part 2