Be Well Virginia: Latest Research in Dermatology Skin Cancer, Common Rashes and COVID-19 Skin Manifestations
NVFP welcomed Dermatologist Dr. Courtney Herbert to the latest installment of “Be Well, Virginia”, our Virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, April 14th. Drs. Zweig and Havert will be hosted as Dr. Herbert discussed new topics and the latest research in Dermatology in terms of: Skin Cancer, Common Rashes, and COVID skin manifestations.
9:55: North Virginia Family Practice guest speaker, Dr. Herbert explains that rosacea and acne often get confused.
17:00: Dr. Herbert goes into detail on some of the ways that rosacea treatment can be accomplished prior to taking medication.
40:40: Dr. Herbert explains that there are two main skin cancer types, non-melanoma skin cancer and melanoma skin cancer.
45:40: Dr. Herbert describes how basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer and that it is easily treatable and doesn’t metastasis.
1:07:30: Dr. Herbert goes into detail about how melanoma is one of the worst types of skin cancer and while it can be sun induced, it has a huge genetic component.